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Lighting the Sahara

Installing solar light to the remotest homes of Morocco.

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Vitoria, 1Dream1World Co-Founder showing a solar powered lightbulb that is ready to be installed in this remote Saharan home.


Morocco, Northern Africa


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Imagine returning home after a long day, only to find darkness.


In a southern region of Morocco, near the Algerian border, this is a reality for many. Far from urban civilization, the Bereber tribes in this region have, regrettably, been marginalized by the government. As a result, they continue to endure conditions reminiscent of underdeveloped nations. While some streets benefit from solar-powered posts, the majority of homes remain unconnected to electricity and light.


Between 2015 and 2021, UNESCO highlighted Morocco as one of 25 nations struggling significantly with educational development. In the Sahara region, a notable number of children terminate their education prematurely, largely due to inadequate infrastructure both at home and in schools. Instead of pursuing studies, they assist their families in work or household chores.


The catalyst for our project was a seemingly modest product we discovered online: a hand-sized solar panel attached to a light bulb, capable of illuminating a home for four hours after just six hours of charging. Recognizing the profound impact it could have, we initiated a plan to deliver 100 of these solar light bulbs to the region.


Embarking from Barcelona in a 4x4 Nissan Navara, outfitted for the expedition by GripMotorsport4x4, we traveled 1,977 km south to the Merzouga desert – the gateway to the Sahara and the end of paved roads. Early on, we distributed 20 bulbs, witnessing immediate needs. Our journey continued for an additional 400 km through what we've termed "The Forgotten Valley." Along the way, we encountered various villages, where we gifted and installed light, capturing the transformative effect of this simple technology on Berber families.


The expedition was transformative for us as well. Beyond providing essential lighting, the journey immersed us in the daily lives and rich culture of the Bereber people. We experienced their hospitality, traditions, and contrasting lifestyle firsthand. The trip itself was also an odyssey of discovery, featuring breathtaking landscapes, diverse cultures, vibrant markets, and invaluable learning experiences.

We are committed to embarking on this journey again, this time with even more support and additional light bulbs, with the aim of illuminating countless more homes.

© 2023 1Dream1World. 

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